Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Drawing Mandalas .. Stepwise Guide to make a Mandala for Beginners !

Hello Everyone !  

Welcome back .. Hope you guys are doing well .. 

Now Today's blog is a little different from what I usually blog about ... 

I was suffering from some concentration issues lately.. was fickle minded and I felt the need to try some things to improve my concentration and focus levels in any task that I do .. 
So I figured out that drawing a Mandala is one of the techniques to help improve the concentration levels ..Well that's what youtube suggested :P ..and I was ready to try something new .. 

For those of you who are not aware of what a Mandala is .. here's a crash course .. 

A mandala (Sanskrit: मण्डल, lit, circle) is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe.In common use, "mandala" has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.

The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Each gate is in the general shape of a T.Mandalas often exhibit radial balance.

A mandala is usually about symmetry and making repetitive patterns that help to increase concentration .. atleast thats exactly what I did .. 

To learn how to draw a mandala .. keep on reading .. 

Things you would need :

  1. Scrapbook paper. Click to BUY
  2. Gel pens / CD marker pens / Ball pens / Pilot pens .. (Here I used White & Golden Gel pen) 
  3. Protractor to divide circle into equal and symmetric areas.
  4. Pencil 
  5. Eraser
  6. Scale
  7. Compass , to make concentric circles.

Steps to make a Mandala..! 

  1. Create a bigger circle using a Compass , make as big as you would want the mandala to be.
  2. Divide the circle into equal half . Now there is a simple trick to this , First divide the circle into 4 parts , by drawing lines through the centre and making diameters (vertical and horizontal).This will divide the circle in 4 parts.
  3. Now Note that the circle will have 4 quadrants which you can divide into smaller sections by measuring angles (90 , 45 , 22.5 and so on) , use protractor to divide each quadrant ( which is 90 degree) into 45 degree ..followed by dividing the 45 degree into half (22.5 degree).
  4. Finally your circle should be divided into various smaller sections which will be helpful to make symmetrical patterns.
  5. After the circle is divided .. start making repetitive patterns to complete the mandala as shown below:

Now it is all about where your mind takes you .. make random designs and see the end result.
Usually every time a mandala is made , the design tends to be unique . . so feel free to make as many mandalas as you want and help improving your concentration level.

What Did I like about drawing Mandala:

  • Well , It's too early to say if it has significantly improved my concentration level overall. However It has improved my skills in drawing and art & it did improve my concentration level in shorter intervals.
  • With regular mandala drawing I think it will help in long run to improve focus and concentration.
  • Mandalas are such beautiful wall hanging pieces and can be used for low budget room decorations.
  • They also make perfect gift for your friends and relatives , displays your creative side and act as customised gifts :) 
  • All you need is basic stationery items and you are good to go to draw a mandala.
  • If you do not have protractor or compass you can still go ahead with drawing a mandala , by roughly making it initially with simple sequence drawings.
  • Also you could use multiple pens and colors to make any kind of mandala for fun.
And ... This is how your mandala should look like .. with different design/colors of course ! 

I made another mandala , and like I mentioned earlier the design comes out unique every time you make one , as you simply have to draw as and where your brain leads you .. 

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this article and would try to explore your creative side and help improve your concentration level in the process. !! 

Stalk me on :
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Business email: shriyasagdeo@gmail.com

LOVE U All LOADS .. !! 

Shriya Sagdeo

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